All the sRGB colours in a Hilbert curve, sorted by their hue* in Björn Ottosson's Oklab colourspace.
The hues were computed as (M-script based syntax):
Generated as a farbfeld image with C++ and the Eigen library, then converted to PNG.
*: I'm less satisfied with this one. There were 23 hue value collisions when I originally ran my generator, and my attempts to fix it only caused more collisions. I'm not sure how many are actual collisions or just floating-point error, so just I used the L component (lightness, w(1)) as a tiebreaker. I may revisit this in the future...
Date | |
Colors | 16,777,216 |
Pixels | 16,777,216 |
Dimensions | 4,096 × 4,096 |
Bytes | 49,114,730 |