Every shade of the Hue wheel in H -> S -> V order.
Iteration is 1 full hue cycle.
MIN and MAX are the limits applied to all 3 RGB channels. 1 interation has (MAX - MIN) * 6 colors.
Note that for each color in an interation there will be at least 2 channels that are equal to MIN and MAX.
Starting from 1,530 colors in an iteration, every iteration will add MIN by 1, thus decreasing the Saturation and subtracting the colors per iteration by 6.
When saturation becomes zero, or when MIN = MAX, the previous process will loop all over again, which will subtract MAX by 1 and reset colors per iteration where the starting point (1,530) becomes 6 less. This will change the Value.
All of this summed up result in exactly 16,777,216 colors.
1530 + 1524 + 1518 + ... = (255² + 255) * 3 = 195,840 (255² + 255) * 3 + (254² + 254) * 3 + (253² + 253) * 3 = 255 * 256 * 257 = 16,776,960
16,776,960 + 256 = 16,777,216 --> Extra 256 are from gray colors where R = G = B.
Image generated in JavaScript
Date | |
Colors | 16,777,216 |
Pixels | 16,777,216 |
Dimensions | 4,096 × 4,096 |
Bytes | 640,104 |