
Greedy Spaghetti Pandemonium


This image is constructed by traversing the 2D image space in parallel with the 3D RGB colour space, in order to assign at each step a unique colour to a unique pixel.

The traversal is driven by the greedy algorithm ( and randomness when choosing among equally near neighbours.

Visually, the traversal proceeds along a continuous contorted path through adjacent neighbours, until it reaches a dead end, at which point a jump occurs to the nearest location from where the next path can start.

Algorithm Outline:

  1. Select a pixel (e.g. a pixel at the centre of the image).
  2. Select a colour (e.g. the colour white).
  3. Assign the selected colour to the selected pixel.
  4. Finish when all pixels have been assigned a colour.
  5. From the remaining pixels select a pixel that's closest to the last selected pixel; if there is more than one closest pixel, then select one of them at random.
  6. From the remaining colours select a colour that's closest to the last selected colour; if there is more than one closest colour, then select one of them at random.
  7. Repeat from 3.

Image Licence: Public Domain (CC0).



Dimensions4,096 × 4,096